
Education for the future of Zanzibar!

Our ambitions

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide quality education to the children of Zanzibar. We want to inspire volunteers and build a school that opens the door to a better future for all. Help us change lives!

Our story

Good day to everyone, I would like to briefly introduce you to the purpose of this fundraiser. My name is Petr Kadlec, I come from Czechia, and in March 2022, together with Glory Kimonge from Tanzania, we began working on a project to build an educational center in Zanzibar. We believe that general education is the most important thing and should be accessible to everyone who is interested. However, this is often a challenge in some parts of the world.

At the center, users will have the opportunity to learn languages and acquire both theoretical and practical knowledge in various fields. We plan to organize courses lasting up to three months, led by instructors from all over the world who have already joined the project or will join us in the future. An integral part of the education, for which local residents will "pay" in this way, is learning about environmental protection. In addition to theoretical lessons, participants will also be involved in cleaning up the local environment and villages from waste. Of course, we won’t forget about physical activities either.

The center will also offer educational lessons for the private sector. The income from these lessons will be used to finance the operation and development of the center. Our team is enthusiastically and determinedly dedicated to providing quality education to every child and adult.

Everyone can get involved.

To complete the center, which has already consumed a significant portion of our savings, we need $15,000. We would like to raise a large part of this amount with your help through this fundraiser. With the funds raised, we plan to complete the roof, plastering, windows, two rooms for instructors, the kitchen, and install electricity and water on the property. Part of the funds will also be used for equipment necessary for teaching and the overall operation of the center so that we can start teaching as early as the summer of 2025.

You can also get involved in other ways—for example, as a volunteer. Sign up for the educational program as an instructor and lead your own lessons. Stays will range from two weeks to three months to ensure there is enough time to learn everything necessary.

Every bit of help is welcome.

Budeme velmi vděční za každý váš příspěvek, ať už finanční, nebo například pomoc s vybavením centra učebními pomůckami, projektorem, počítačem apod. Každý, kdo přispěje větší částkou, může mít v případě zájmu své jméno na pamětní desce u vstupu do centra. Ti z vás, kteří nás podpoří ještě více a nebojí se cestovat, nás mohou navštívit. Rádi vám zařídíme příjemný pobyt v centru, kde budete moci společně s lektory a ostatními účastníky zažít nové věci, objevovat krásy Zanzibaru, nebo se třeba vydat na safari do Tanzanie s Glory Kimonge, nejlepší průvodkyní a bývalým rangerem v národním parku.

What’s next?

After the fundraiser concludes, we will begin completing all the necessary work. Don’t forget to follow us on our social media platforms, Facebook and Instagram, where we will regularly update you on the progress of the construction until it is finished. You can also look forward to upcoming online Swahili lessons and many other videos from the center on our YouTube channel.

We believe that together we can build a community of people who will enrich each other with their knowledge and skills. In this way, we will help keep Zanzibar clean, free of waste, and improve the education and living standards of everyone who shows interest.

Thank you for your time and support! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Have a great day, Petr Kadlec and Glory Kimonge.